In the last few years, due to spreading fake news through Facebook and WhatsApp, there have been many incidents like rioting and mob litching. To overcome this, there was constant pressure on Facebook. Now Facebook has started a new option to identify and remove fake news in India.
There was a lot of pressure on Facebook due to fake news
AI and machine learning are being investigated
In the last few years, due to spreading fake news through Facebook and WhatsApp, there have been many incidents like rioting and mob litching. To overcome this, there was constant pressure on Facebook. Now Facebook has started a new option to identify and remove fake news in India. Now with the arrival of this new feature, if any user will post a fake news or any wrong fact on Facebook, then an alert with false information or false information can be written on that post. This information has been received from a freelance security researcher.
This new feature of Facebook was first spotted by freelance security researcher Rajasekhar Rajharia and he has shared this information with Aaj Tak. Researcher said that many incidents have occurred due to the spread of fake news through platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp.
After this, the government had put a lot of pressure on the social media giant about it. According to NCRB report, in the year 2017, 170 cases of fake news were reported in the country. In this sequence, Facebook has now started this new feature. The researcher also said that this feature was introduced at the time of the election, but then this alert was only given to the post-sharing person. However, now the company has started alerting the rest of the users as well. Facebook has also made some partners for it in India.
Researcher has said that Facebook has started the work of identifying fake news and wrong facts and removing them. For this, the company is resorting to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Researcher believes that it is very difficult to identify and remove fake news or wrong facts on such a large scale in a big country like India.
For this reason, Facebook first identifies such posts and photos with the help of AI and machine learning. These are the posts which are going viral very fast and are emotionally connected to people. Then Facebook investigates them through a link to the actual news of the third party. All this is happening through robots.
If the fact of the post or any news is found wrong, an alert will appear on it and by clicking on it you will be able to know the real information about that post or fact. Any user can identify and report fake news on Facebook.
If a factchecker rates a news as a fake, it will appear below in the news feed. This will reduce the number of people watching it. From now on repeatedly posting false information, fake news or wrong facts on Facebook, action can be taken against that account or the account can also be blocked
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Modi's tweet, Chandrayaan's hashtag ... In 2019, his magic went up on Twitter
What are the top trends of Twitter in India this year? Which hashtags were the most used and which emojis have been used the most by Indian users.
The year 2019 is coming to an end. Micro-blogging website Twitter released end-of-year data in late 2019. In this, the company has told that what are the top trends on Twitter in India this year. Top data in this data is about tweets, trends and Twitter handles.
Talking about the top trends on Twitter in India in 2019, # cwc19 and # chandrayaan2 have been at the top here.
Talking about the top tweets of this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tweet is at the top here.
Golden tweet of 2019
This tweet was made by PM Modi after winning the Lok Sabha elections. It is most liked and retweeted.
The most retweeted tweet in sports category is from Virat Kohli. In this tweet, he has wished Mahendra Singh Dhoni a birthday, he has also tweeted a photo. In this photo, Kohli and Dhoni are together.
The entertainment industry has been named the most retweeted Tamil entertainment industry. Actor Vijay has a tweet in which he has shared the poster of the film Bigil. This tweet has been retweeted the most.
The hashtag of 2019 Lok Sabha elections at number-1 in the top-10 hashtags in India in 2019 - # loksabhaelections2019. Chandrayaan is at number 2, while at number three is the hashtag associated with the World Cup.
This year, these accounts have been the most frequently mentioned
It includes two categories - Entertainment and Sports.
Amitabh Bachchan has been at number-1 in the top Twitter handles in entertainment category. Akshay Kumar is at number two. Salman Khan is on the third, while Shah Rukh Khan is on the fourth number.
Talking of female top Twitter handles in the same category, here is Sonakshi Sinha's Twitter handle at number-1, while Anushka Sharma is at number-two.
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In the last few years, due to spreading fake news through Facebook and WhatsApp, there have been many incidents like rioting and mob litching. To overcome this, there was constant pressure on Facebook. Now Facebook has started a new option to identify and remove fake news in India.
There was a lot of pressure on Facebook due to fake news
AI and machine learning are being investigated
In the last few years, due to spreading fake news through Facebook and WhatsApp, there have been many incidents like rioting and mob litching. To overcome this, there was constant pressure on Facebook. Now Facebook has started a new option to identify and remove fake news in India. Now with the arrival of this new feature, if any user will post a fake news or any wrong fact on Facebook, then an alert with false information or false information can be written on that post. This information has been received from a freelance security researcher.
This new feature of Facebook was first spotted by freelance security researcher Rajasekhar Rajharia and he has shared this information with Aaj Tak. Researcher said that many incidents have occurred due to the spread of fake news through platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp.
After this, the government had put a lot of pressure on the social media giant about it. According to NCRB report, in the year 2017, 170 cases of fake news were reported in the country. In this sequence, Facebook has now started this new feature. The researcher also said that this feature was introduced at the time of the election, but then this alert was only given to the post-sharing person. However, now the company has started alerting the rest of the users as well. Facebook has also made some partners for it in India.
Researcher has said that Facebook has started the work of identifying fake news and wrong facts and removing them. For this, the company is resorting to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Researcher believes that it is very difficult to identify and remove fake news or wrong facts on such a large scale in a big country like India.
For this reason, Facebook first identifies such posts and photos with the help of AI and machine learning. These are the posts which are going viral very fast and are emotionally connected to people. Then Facebook investigates them through a link to the actual news of the third party. All this is happening through robots.
If the fact of the post or any news is found wrong, an alert will appear on it and by clicking on it you will be able to know the real information about that post or fact. Any user can identify and report fake news on Facebook.
If a factchecker rates a news as a fake, it will appear below in the news feed. This will reduce the number of people watching it. From now on repeatedly posting false information, fake news or wrong facts on Facebook, action can be taken against that account or the account can also be blocked
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Modi's tweet, Chandrayaan's hashtag ... In 2019, his magic went up on Twitter
What are the top trends of Twitter in India this year? Which hashtags were the most used and which emojis have been used the most by Indian users.
The year 2019 is coming to an end. Micro-blogging website Twitter released end-of-year data in late 2019. In this, the company has told that what are the top trends on Twitter in India this year. Top data in this data is about tweets, trends and Twitter handles.
Talking about the top trends on Twitter in India in 2019, # cwc19 and # chandrayaan2 have been at the top here.
Talking about the top tweets of this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tweet is at the top here.
Golden tweet of 2019
This tweet was made by PM Modi after winning the Lok Sabha elections. It is most liked and retweeted.
The most retweeted tweet in sports category is from Virat Kohli. In this tweet, he has wished Mahendra Singh Dhoni a birthday, he has also tweeted a photo. In this photo, Kohli and Dhoni are together.
The entertainment industry has been named the most retweeted Tamil entertainment industry. Actor Vijay has a tweet in which he has shared the poster of the film Bigil. This tweet has been retweeted the most.
The hashtag of 2019 Lok Sabha elections at number-1 in the top-10 hashtags in India in 2019 - # loksabhaelections2019. Chandrayaan is at number 2, while at number three is the hashtag associated with the World Cup.
This year, these accounts have been the most frequently mentioned
It includes two categories - Entertainment and Sports.
Amitabh Bachchan has been at number-1 in the top Twitter handles in entertainment category. Akshay Kumar is at number two. Salman Khan is on the third, while Shah Rukh Khan is on the fourth number.
Talking of female top Twitter handles in the same category, here is Sonakshi Sinha's Twitter handle at number-1, while Anushka Sharma is at number-two.
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